Like constructing a house, brains are built upon a strong foundation. This starts before birth, and is very important during the first three years of life. Brain cells are “raw” materials — much like lumber is a raw material in building a house, and a child’s experiences and interactions help build the structure, put in the wiring, and paint the walls. Heredity (nature) determines the basic number of “neurons” (brain nerve cells) children are born with, and their initial arrangement
eerie and dreary, gloomy, suspenseful
The Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 brought an end to the age of the rigid airship.
The disaster killed 35 persons on the airship, and one member of the ground crew, but miraculously 62 of the 97 passengers and crew survived.
After more than 30 years of passenger travel on commercial zeppelins — in which tens of thousands of passengers flew over a million miles, on more than 2,000 flights, without a single injury — the era of the passenger airship came to an end in a few fiery minutes.
What kept Malala going was school. However, schools were being blown up across Pakistan due to the aggressiveness of the Taliban.
In his book "I am Malala," Malala recounts the moment when the Taliban dominated Pakistan, implementing an oppressive and violent system that changed people's lives in a very negative way, especially women. Malala says that cases of violence, harassment and murder were constant after Taliban control. The Taliban also banned women from receiving formal education and blew up schools across the country. Malala felt very sad about this situation, but going to school gave her hope and allowed her to keep moving forward, as she knew that only an educated population could defeat the Taliban.
According to APA style regarding parenthetical citation, you will need to use the surnames of both authors separated by the symbol (&) and followed by the year for example (Robinson & Pearl, 2004) in case you want to refer to one written book by both authors. On the other hand, if you are referring to two different books and considering they share the same surname, you will have to include the initials of the authors, the year of each book and separate both authors using a semicolon. In this case, you will have to use the following format ( E. Barret Browning, 1990; R. Browning,1981)