Fraction-of-occurrences of 115In isotope 
As we know weight of 113 In isotope is equal to the sum of product of fraction-of-occurrences of two constituents isotopes and their atomic weight
As we know sum of fraction-of-occurrences of two constituents isotopes is equal to one.
Substituting the given values in equation 1, we get

Substituting this value in equation 2 we get -

Growing willow for biofuel is sustainable development because it is a source of fuel which potentially will never run out. For every willow tree that is cut down, another can be planted in its place. This means that the source of fuel is potentially limitless and subsequently sustainable.
What I think will happen as time goes by and right this second is that the earth is just going to fill and fill and fill with pollution
No hablo español, así que pido disculpas por cualquier error.
La teoría de la panspermia, que sugiere que la vida en la Tierra no se originó en nuestro planeta, sino que fue transportada aquí desde otro lugar del universo.
Loss of genetic variation.
Hope this helps!