Direct Democracy- Country D
Monarchy- Country B
Representative Democracy- Country C
Aristocracy- Country A
Direct Democracy- the question of wether or not a law will be made goes directly to the people
Monarchy-a king/queen rules as he/she wishes and makes all of the choices for the people
Representative Democracy- People are elected to make the choices for the voters, but the people are elected by the voters with their best interests at heart
Aristocracy- Lords whom inheret land and titles from family make choices for the people
The US was still much more segregated and entrenched with conservative attitudes around the 1950s, with the civil right movement yet to develop a decade later; the big labels were not really interested in rock and roll at the time until Elvis with his swagger and more charisma than the other artists in the list <em>(mostly the way he was marketed)</em> what made him king due selling more records than anyone else and in a way that no one did before.
White artists rarely did better than original Black artists on the pop charts when making cover versions of R&B; Chuck Berry used to record on independent R&B labels with influences of CW as a previous attempt to appeal to pop audiences blending R&B + CW, what was called as the <em>"Whitening"</em> of R&B, which influenced artists such as Buddy Holly and Bill Haley who was a Diskjockey that further helped in better introducing that sound to white audiences due being <em>"white"</em> himself, but not in the same way Elvis could later on.
R&B and CW were both influenced by Jazz and Swing; albeit most of their sounds and tempos are different, their lyrics, chords, melodies, and themes were similar, both reflected the down economy of that time in history, which resonated with most people across the social spectrum, bringing them together somehow, making them realize they had more things in common than they thought; the <em>"Elvis phenomenon"</em> capitalized this better than other previous trends, due to his rags to riches story, genuinely aligned with the American dream.
Carol Giligan was able to extend Kohlberg’s research by
having to be able to focus on her research on Girls and Boys in which she was
able to show and present that both were able to be judge what is right and what
is wrong based on the different standards.
A portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct. <span />
Canada has the smallest population compared to the size of the country