Yes, daniel does have a 50% chamce or higher of being affected since his father and aunt and great grandmother have the bad gene. his daughter also has a 25% or higher risk of getting the bad gene
When two people find a way to get over/around a conflict
The first step is realizing that you have a problem.
This step seems simple, but it's sometimes hard to admit. You can't help somebody that doesn't want to be helped.
Late 18th century Edit
On July 16, 1798, President John Adams signed the first Federal public health law, "An act for the relief of sick and disabled Seamen." This assessed every seaman at American ports 20 cents a month. This was the first prepaid medical care plan in the United States. The monies were used for the care of sick seamen and the building of seamen's hospitals. This act created the Marine Hospital Service under the Department of the Treasury. In 1802 Marine Hospitals were operating in Boston; Newport; Norfolk; and Charleston, S.C. and medical services were contracted in other ports