El Piamonte (en italiano: Piemonte; en piamontés, occitano y arpitano: Piemont) es una de las veinte regiones que conforman la República Italiana. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Turín. Está ubicada en Italia noroccidental, limitando al norte con Valle de Aosta y Suiza, al este con Lombardía, al sureste con Emilia-Romaña, al sur con Liguria y al oeste con Francia. Con 25 402 km² es la segunda región más extensa del país, por detrás de Sicilia.1 Forma parte de la Eurorregión Alpes-Mediterráneo, y es una de las regiones de Italia con mayor cantidad de exportaciones, con un PIB de 130 mil millones de euros.
Probably B their army was trash but their commanders were good, plus they weren't rich either
About 2,800 years ago, people known as the Maya lived in farming villages on the Yucatan Peninsula and the highlands to the south. From about A.D. 250 to A.D. 900, they built city-states in Central America that included great pyramid temples and public plazas featuring huge stone columns that recounted their history. Excavations at Tikal, Guatemala, one of the greatest and oldest Maya centers, have revealed thousands of structures and artifacts. The findings include temples, pyramids, ball-playing courts, stone monuments, tools, ceremonial objects, and a great many.easily quarried and used for building and tool making. In the south, volcanoes stretched over the highlands and yielded valuable resources. The fertile volcanic soil allowed the people to grow crops.
The five-year plans resulted in a very low agricultural community, which caused widespread famine and death among the peasants.
The Soviet Union imposed the collectivization of its agricultural sector between 1928 and 1940 during the rise of Joseph Stalin. This collectivization was made through the five-year plans, which represented a policy aimed at consolidating individual properties and labor in collective farms.
The Soviet leadership hoped that replacing individual peasant farms with collective ones would immediately increase the supply of food for the urban population, the supply of raw materials for the processing industry, and agricultural exports.
Planners regarded collectivization as the solution to the agricultural distribution (especially grain delivery) crisis that began in 1927. This problem worsened as the Soviet Union advanced its ambitious industrialization program.
Despite expectations, collectivization led to a catastrophic fall in agricultural productivity, which did not return to levels reached by the NEP until 1940. In the early years of collectivization, it was estimated that industrial production would increase by 200% and agricultural production by 50%. But those expectations were not met. Agricultural productivity was very low, causing a major crisis in the country's countryside, causing widespread famine and death among several peasants.
The answer is C.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" series is a first person set of novels told from the point of view of a pioneer girl in the 1800's.