Answer:b. gravitational, kinetic, thermal
The above explains the mechanism of the core forming process on earth/planet.
It is believed that this process might has contributed significantly to a planet's early stages heating. The time when these core-forming event happened is thought to have been mainly completed very early when Earth was young . The type of this event rather than it being seen as a single catastrophic event, it is likely to have been as a result of contractions on the earth severally.
The addition of partially differentiated material from another giant impact the rate of this spasm , and it increases each time the planet's mass is to increased.
This is a little on the history of planetary evolution.
Shale actually forms in the part of the rock cycle called compaction.
The answer to this question is A. Both ripening and spoiling are chemical reactions.
Spoiling is a chemical reaction because spoiled food has bad smell and taste and it changes colour too.
Ripening of fruits is a chemical change. For example the colour could change as well as the texture.
There are three variables independent, dependent ,and controlled