5. c 7. True 8. I think true 9. tar 10. the asthma inhaler
<em>Although this may sound like a healthy way of eating since his diet contains a healthy snack such as fruits, it is not a healthy diet.</em>
A healthy diet consists of many things. As in reference to the food chain, fruits are required for a healthy diet. Though, that is not all. A healthy diet is a mix of fruits, vegetables, protein such as meats, grains, and more. If someone were to live off of only fruits, that would nourish some parts of the body but without the others, then the whole body simply preforms a bit wobbly.
Holocrine Glands.
Merocrine or Eccrine Glands.
Apocrine Glands.
Partial denature is usually used when one or a few of the natural teeth is still rooted into the upper or lower gum. In this case, Mr.Smith needs to implant to his lower jaw.
The number that will replace the partial denature is 4 artificial molars. This will be implanted as two on each side.
There will be two abutments as : 29 and 20, with 2nd premolars.