Sedentary individuals are often lethargic and show early symptoms of obesity. Less exercise means a slower metabolism. A slower metabolism means that even if an individual is eating what they normally should, it will take them a longer time to burn off the calories they gain.
The ovaries are two oval-shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left of the uterus. They produce, store, and release eggs into the fallopian tubes in the process called ovulation
Dangerous!!(; Were there any answer choices to make this a little bit easier to answer?
A. Is the answer , because it is a theory
The skeletal system is system in the body that consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments and other tissues that perform essential functions for the human body. It provides support of the body, protects the internal organs and allows body movement. The bones in the the human body support and also protect organs and the soft areas of the body. One role of the skeletal system is to produce blood cells. The blood cells are produced by bone marrow.