The Pearson square ration formulation procedure is designed for simple rations.
In order for the square to work, follow specific directions for its use.
Nutrient contents of ingredients and nutrient requirements must be expressed on the same basis (i.e., dry-matter or “as-fed”).
The option that best identifies the profession illustrated in the following scenario is;
A biologist is a professional that study living things, including humans, animals, plants, as well as the environment in which the living things live in such fields as zoology, botany, and ecology
The study of agronomy, which is a sub branch of botany is focused on the science and technology of how plants are made use of for food production, fuel, fibrous material, to restore the land, and for fuel
It is part of the function of the biology profession to study the living things such as genetically modified food and interaction on humans, and also to identify and classify plants and other living organisms, thereby, outlining their differences.
A person with an active life needs approximately 1,8g of protein per kg of corporal weight.
1 lbs is 0.4535 kg
we convert lbs to kg
177lbs........x= 80.2858kg
If 1.8g of proteins are in 1 kg in 80.2858kg are in....
80.2858g.........x= 144.51g
I would say E as it has to do with nutrition and dietetics and they would be registered.