Stage 1 of NREM sleep is characterized by a low amplitude EEG, mixed frequency between range a and s (2 to 7Hz). EMG activity is usually higher than at other stages of sleep, but amplitude can vary widely. Stage 2 of NREM sleep is recognized by background activity and episodes of sleep spindles and K-complexes. Sleep spindles are short (12 to 14 Hz) waves that increase and decrease in amplitude to produce a spindle characteristic. Stage 3 NREM sleep is classified when slow waves or d waves (£ 2Hz) and high amplitude greater than 75mV (measured from lowest to highest wave - peak to peak) appear at 20 to 50% of the time of the day. record. Stage 4 NREM sleep is similar for EEG, EMG, and EOG from the previous stage; however, stage 4 is characterized by the presence of d waves in more than 50% of the time.
Accordingly, we can conclude that going through the NREM stages (1 to 4), the frequency of EEG waves decreases but their amplitude increases.
<span>Constricted air passages and higher air pressure in the lungs at maximum inhalation</span>
- one allele from mother, one allele from father
- yes, this means the mother's alleles are dominant
"The amount of alleles that a baby Guinea pig inherit from the mother are two , 1 from its mother and 1 from its father.
ie: if its mother had a dominant black fur (BB) and its father has recessive grey fur (bb) , there is 100% chance that the baby will has a Bb genotype, which will give them either black fur or dark grey fur."
Yes, the mother likely has several dominant alleles that manifested as a heterozygous genotype in the baby, giving it a phenotype largely similar to its mother.