What do you need help with? I’m confused
You cant, if you want to change you can create another account :)
It depends on what algorithm you’re using.
If you’re going item by item, you’ll be looking at O(n) or O(40000)
Give me a reply if you want to know more, such as if you did binary search what the Big O notation is
Out of the ones that you mention, the correct answer should be
<span> Operating system</span>
a. You are eligible to vote.
If Age >= 18 Then
Write "You are eligible to vote."
Set - Age
Write "You can vote in " + Years + " years."
End If
The above code block is an example of if-else code block. The if-else code block follow a pattern of:
If (expression) then
end if
Based on the if Age>= 18 condition, the output will be "You are eligible to vote."