Options B & D
Bankruptcy refers to a situation where by a people cannot pay their debts. It involves a legal process.
Option B and D are true.
Many major cities have avoided bankruptcy by being placed under the control of financial control boards by their state governments. As such it they are declared bankrupt by a court are brought under the control of independent trustees whose primary objective is to ensure that obligations to bondholders are satisfied in full.
- A: Per the federal bankruptcy code, a municipality can be declared bankrupt but not insolvent is not true because if you are declared bankrupt, it implies that you are either not paying you loan as due or have stopped paying for a while and it also means you are insolvent. A government can be bankrupt if they cannot pay their debts.
When varying greatly in size as a result of flooding or evaporation, this means that it has to be a body of water. The only body of water provided (Whose location is correct) is Great Salt Lake, Utah.
The answer is option C
The Arabs are a population of the arab world. They live in the states of arab states of Western Asia and North Africa, but also, there are large communities of arabs established around the world, making them one of the largest diasporas in existence. Arabs are mostly Muslims with a Sunny majority and a Shia minority. They're even a minority of Christian and Protestant arabs.
Reside. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, arecitizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.