It would be most likely necessary for instruments with pads. (Woodwind)
I think it’s A
I think so because the Synovial membrane acts as a lubricator, much like how oil lubricated the joints of the tin man. If the lubricants were removed, the friction would increase as there is no oil to decrease the friction and let the bones function properly
Nick's most likely suffering from a fungal infection in his nail. It is possible that this condition is onychomycosis.
Folate deficiency<span> is a </span>low level<span> of the type of Vitamin B "</span>folic<span> acid" in the body. </span>
<span>Anemia, certain medicines, d</span>rinking too much alcohol, eating overcooked fruits and vegetables and other factors can contribute to folate deficiency.
So, it is true that p<span>regnant women who smoke or abuse alcohol during their pregnancy often have folate deficiencies. That;s why p</span>regnant women should be counseled about the risks of smoking and alcohol and drug use.