Answer: Global commodity chain
Global commodity chain refers to a process where firms gather details, Information and transform them to goods that would be sold to consumers. This process connects various production and distribution centres in producing a particular commodity which is now sold at the global market. An example is iPhone that has it's production in both China and America, another example is car companies where most of their engines might be produced by GM motors and other parts from other production centres.
Country of origin
This restriction is created by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) , which is a law that created to ensure that people are not discriminated to obtain loans based on their gender, race, ethnicity or religion.
Asking information about country of origin can be interpreted as an effort to distinguish the consumers race & ethnicity. ECOA wanted to ensure that the decision made by the bank only based on the person's ability to repay the credit.
According to the triarchic theory of intelligence there are three aspects of intelligence. The Experiential aspect refers to how well you transfer skills to new situations and cope with novelty. The experiential aspect of intelligence deals with the ability to successfully cope with new and unusual situations by drawing on existing knowledge and skills. example of creative intelligence is using your imagination to write a short story, paint artwork, or create an advertisement
Answer: This recommendation does not guarantee that this will happen because there are people who can develop personality disorders long before thinking about getting married.
People are different and react differently to life events due to several factors. Genetics and environmental factors exert a great influence when a person develops a mental disorder. Genetics influences that people who have a history with a history of personality disorders are more likely to develop the disease. It may be that before marriage he does not have it and then in marriage the person develops this disorder or another. Environmental factors may be due to situations that occur that trigger a response that leads the person to develop symptoms of a disorder.
While it is true that the study found that married people are less likely to develop personality disorders, it is not advisable to do so for these reasons, because the reasons why people decide to marry are different.
If a person decides to marry someone to avoid developing a personality disorder but then when getting married, he sees that things do not work and faces situations for which he was not prepared, this can lead to the person developing anxiety disorders or anxiety. depression, it all depends on the problems that occur.
The reasons for reaching marriage should be clear and people who decide to make this decision should do so not only thinking about their interests. It is important that a person not only takes this recommendation to get married and look at things from another perspective.
Marriage is an important step in the lives of many people. The person who decides to marry must understand the changes that it is going to experience and that certain behaviors that it adopted in its single life cannot be frequent in the married life since the responsibilities are different.