Ray believes that he has no control over his grades and that even his best efforts will still result in failure. Ray would be most likely to score high in learned helplessness.
What is learned helplessness?</h3>
When an animal is repeatedly exposed to an unpleasant stimulus from which it cannot escape, learned helplessness develops. The animal will eventually cease attempting to avoid the stimulation and start acting as though it has no control over the circumstance.
Which explanatory approach is linked to a higher risk of learned helplessness?</h3>
The likelihood of developing learned helplessness is increased by a gloomy explanatory style. People with this explaining style tend to regard unfavorable events as being inescapable and unavoidable and prefer to take personal responsibility for such negative events
<h3>What consequences does learned helplessness have?</h3>
From Verywell, a Word. Learned helplessness can significantly affect one's mental health and general wellbeing. Learned helplessness is associated with increased stress levels, depressive symptoms, and a decreased desire to take care of one's physical well-being.
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