When you multiply a decimal with a decimal, you just multiply like you would with whole numbers. Then, you count the numbers to the right of the decimal for both multiplicand an multiplier. If the equation was 8.374 x 1.234, then you would put the decimal 6 spots to the left of the product. For the first step of solving this is just multiply like and decimal is not there. The answer would be 10333516. Then you count the number right of the multiplicand and the multiplier. In total there is 6 numbers, so you put the decimal 6 spots to the right. The end result would be 10.333516. Hope this helped!
Algebraic expression is the expression which consist the variables, coefficients and the constants. The expression for the condition given in the problem is
Given information
A cab driver is paid $6 plus $0.45 per mile driven.
Total number of total miles is <em>m.</em>
Algebraic expression</h3>
Algebraic expression is the expression which consist the variables, coefficients and the constants. The algebraic expression are used to solve the condition based problems by expressing them into the algebraic form.
As the cab driver is paid $6 as the fixed amount of the taxi irrespective to the mile driven. Thus this is independent to the other variables and written as the constant in the expression.
As the total miles driven by the cab driver is<em> m</em>. The cost of the per mile driven the car is $0.45. Thus the expression for this condition can be given as,

Hence, the expression for the condition given in the problem is
Learn more about the algebraic expression here;
the first one
Step-by-step explanation:
A graph showing the Earliest Start Times (EST) for project tasks is computed left to right based on the predecessor task durations. For dependent tasks, the earliest start time will be the latest of the finish times of predecessor tasks.
The first graph appears to appropriately represent the table values, using edges to represent task duration, and bubble numbers to represent start times.
The second graph does not appropriately account for duration of predecessor tasks.
The third graph seems to incorrectly compute task completion times (even if you assume that the edge/bubble number swap is acceptable).
Step-by-step explanation: