There is no video but ecological relationship will be defined on a general note and it is not always beneficial to organisms.
In an ecosystem, organisms of the same or different species tend to interact with one another. This interaction is referred to as ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP between the involved organisms. An ecological relationship can be of different types depending on the effect.
SYMBIOSIS is an ecological relationship between two organisms that interact together. SYMBIOSIS can either be mutualistic (both organisms benefit), parasitic (one organism loses and one gains), or commensalistic (one organism benefits and one neither benefits or loses). Another ecological relationship is PREDATION, where one organism called the PREDATOR feeds on part or all of another organism called PREY in order to obtain energy.
As stated above, some of the organisms involved in an ecological relationship benefits while others lose. Hence, it is not always a beneficial relationship to organisms.
Lobe-finned fishes are bony fish, having fleshy, lobed, paired fins, these fins are joined to the body by a single bone only . The fins of these lobe-finned fishes differ from all other fishes in many ways, Lobe-finned fish lived in water.
By the passage of time, from fin on lobe-finned fish changed to legs and feet on the early amphibians due to variations among offspring, followed by natural selection. These legs and feet containing amphibians lives both in water and land.
A dam that could allow fish to still pass through is a fishway/fish pass its a "fish ladder" that is structured on or around artificial or natural barriers to allow for fishes natural migration and the movement for potamodromous species.
Answer: Microbes in the hindgut of a termite break down cellulose into more easily digested sugars and short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are taken into the cells of the termite and used as nourishment in the same way human cells take in nutrients processed by our digestive system.
Explanation: I hope this helps
"Energy flows in one direction, matter recycles."
Matter "returns" to the environment by the deutucators. Energy comes from the sun and is transmitted to higher trophic structures.