connections usually occur through a public network
cool devices in a large geographic area
typically uses Ethernet and wirless routers to connect device
The following program is written in Java. Using the program code from Purchase class in 5.13 I created each one of the fruit objects. Then I set the price for each object using the setPrice method. Then I set the number of each fruit that I intended on buying with the setNumberBought method. Finally, I called each objects getTotalCost method to get the final price of each object which was all added to the totalCost instance variable. This instance variable was printed as the total cost of the bill at the end of the program. My code HIGHLIGHTED BELOW
//Entire code is in text file attached below.
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
oranges.setPrice(10, 2.99);
eggs.setPrice(12, 1.69);
apples.setPrice(3, 1);
watermelons.setPrice(1, 4.39);
bagels.setPrice(6, 3.50);
totalCost = oranges.getTotalCost() + eggs.getTotalCost() + apples.getTotalCost() + watermelons.getTotalCost() + bagels.getTotalCost();
System.out.println("Total Cost: $" + df.format(totalCost));
To measure the pollution of a particular river, one must take the sample of the river and take the sample of pure water, then draw the conclusion, it will tell the amount of pollution in the river water.
<h3>What is pollution?</h3>
Pollution is the mixing of unwanted or harmful things in any substance or compound.
Water pollution is the mixing of toxics and chemicals in water.
Thus, to measure the pollution of a particular river, one must take the sample of the river and take the sample of pure water, then draw the conclusion, it will tell the amount of pollution in the river water.
Learn more about pollution
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, int> numbers;
cout << "Enter numbers, 0 to finish" << endl;
int number;
while (true) {
cin >> number;
if (number == 0) break;
for (pair<int, int> element : numbers) {
std::cout << element.first << ": occurs " << element.second << " times" << std::endl;
One trick used here is not to keep track of the numbers themselves (since that is not a requirement), but start counting their occurrances right away. An STL map< > is a more suitable construct than a vector< >.
It’s hard to imagine banks without technology. In fact, computers have been in use in banking since the 1950s, when Bank of America introduced a computer designed specifically for processing checks. Each new decade has brought innovations that change the way banks manage daily operations and serve customers. Today, you may not even leave your house to do your banking. As much as technology has changed the use of the computer in the banking sector, banks continue to adjust the way they do things.