Sharaz, a 5-year-old, is at the park with her father. The ice cream truck is parked at the corner. Her father has told Sharaz th
at she can have ice cream when they leave the park if she does not ask for it until then. To keep herself from asking for the ice cream, Sharaz imagines that the truck has gotten hot and all the ice cream has melted. Sharaz is delaying gratification using the successful strategy of
Sharaz, a 5-year-old, is at the park with her father. The ice cream truck is parked at the corner. Her father has told Sharaz that she can have ice cream when they leave the park if she does not ask for it until then. To keep herself from asking for the ice cream, Sharaz imagines that the truck has gotten hot and all the ice cream has melted. Sharaz is delaying gratification using the successful strategy of turning a hot cognition into a cold cognition
Hot cognition works by using the emotional state a person is in, this would motivate people to immediately want to satisfy their craving for the present reward rather than waiting for a better reward. While cold cognition is processing information void of emotional involvement meaning rather waiting for a better reward by logically processing information that can cause delayed gratificatiion. Sharaz did that by imagining that the truck has gotten hot and all the ice cream has melted