Living organisms needs water to survive. fresh water also carries fresh nutrients.
Animal cells
The cytoskeleton is not present in plant cells
Chracteristics reffers to some organisms from kingdon protista;
Eukaryotic, Mostly Unicellualar, Aquatic, Posses mitochondaria, Parasitism, Asexual reproduction, Autotrophic, Heterotrophic.
Kingdom protista in one of five kingdoms and the term protista is derieved from "prortistos" meaning "the very first". The protists are considered as first eukaryotic life on earth.
Protistsa includes the Eukaryotic predominantly unicellular organisms. Protists are eukaryotic organisms and they cannot by classified as fungi, Plants or animals due to their chracteristics.
there are three main type of rock is sedimentary and metamorphic each of the rock these rocks are formed by physical changes such as melting point eroding contacting or deformed that are part of the rock cycle sedimentary rocks are formed from pieces of other existing blog or organic material