Radio waves from smartphones may be carcinogenic - Mobile phones and their towers generate radio waves. Several studies have suggested that though low frequency radio waves aren’t harmful to humans, but over exposure to them may lead to tumours in the body.
Smartphones cause anxiety, increased stress - Cancer aside, smartphones cause a variety of health issues. They have been found to increase anxiety and mental stress in teens. Mobile radiations may also cause learning disabilities and lowered IQ in infants, according to some reports.
It is referred as <span>zone of proximal development. The zone of proximal development enables a person to distinguish what he or she is capable of with help towards others and without it. It is somehow related to the given sentence above where it shows how children can do on their own and with the help of another person.</span>
VRS, like other forms of TRS, allows persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing to communicate through the telephone system with hearing persons. The VRS caller, using a television or a computer with a video camera device and a broadband (high speed) Internet connection, contacts a VRS CA, who is a qualified interpreter.
The three interlocking, overlapping arrows symbolize the three objectives of conservation: - maintenance of essential ecological processes and life-support systems; - preservation of genetic diversity; - sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems.
hope this helps