1. Filament
2. Anther
3. Petal
4. Stigma
5. Style
6. Ovary
7. Sepals
8. Stem
Answer: Level of organization from electron to an organism is shown in the figure, have a look on it will help you a lot.
India was a separate continent until 45 million years ago
India was part of the Gondwanaland continent which was one of the two remnants of Pangaea, while Asia was part of Laurasia, the other remnant of Pangaea. Because these two land masses were separate, the animals and plants were evolving separately for millions of years. India further separated from Gondwanaland, and it was actually a very large island for millions of years, resulting in isolation and development of unique animals and plants because of it. As India was moving it reached Asia and collided with it, thus becoming one land mass. Some Asian species managed to get in India, but mostly in its northern parts, while the central and southern parts remained dominated by the indigenous species. The Himalayan Mountain Range that formed because of the collision also helped in preserving lot of the indigenous species as it became a natural barrier that most species can not go through.
Alarge vacuoles cell walls and chloroplasts
The process by which oxygen is taken to the lungs is called Inhalation or Inspiration.