A loose screw on the visor causes it to drop down while Ben drives; however, he keeps forgetting to take a screwdriver out to th
e car to fix it. When he notices the visor drop again, he reaches into his pocket for a dime he uses to tighten the screw holding the visor. What problem-solving difficulty did Ben overcome?
Functional fixedness is described as one of the cognitive biases that hamper an individual's tendency to use specific objects in similar ways as it has always been used i.e, traditionally. It was initiated by Gestalt psychology. When an individual is encountering functional fixedness then his or her capability of looking at an object's other potential uses in being hindered by its intended purpose.
A person can overcome functional fixedness by utilizing an object in various ways by believing that he or she use it in either way.
In the question above, the given statement signifies that Ben has overcome functional fixedness.
Religious humanism is an integration of humanist ethical philosophy with congregational rites and community activity which center on human needs, interests, and abilities