The Aksumite Empire ended with the last King, Dil Na’od who was defeated by his former General Mara Takla Haymanot who founded the Agaw Zagwe dynasty. According to legend, a son of Dil Na’od fled in exile, until his descendants overthrew the Zagwe dynastic rulers and re-established the Solomonic dynasty around AD 1270.
The old regime was the social and political system of France in which people were separated into three social classes also known as the estates. ... The 1st estate owned 10% of the land in France and contributed 2% of their income towards the government. 2nd Estate
the constitution was to create some kind of documents to write down rules in the new world .
in 1776 the constitution was created to replace the article of confedertion,they were concidered. weak and the constitution was a way to seperate powers and build stength