So 4.5 is equal to 4 and 1/2
u can convert that to 9/2
then to get the reciprocal you flip the denominator and numerator
this gives u 2/9
Step-by-step explanation:
To find the number of different ways she can stack 3 of them in a tower, we need to use the formula:
n = 4
k = 3
It's an irrational number
Step-by-step explanation:
√2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718...
π = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939...
e = 2.718281828459045235360287...
∛10 = 2.1544346900318837217592935665193504952593449421921...
and more
If the number has a finite or repeating decimal, then it is a rational number.
x - intercepts: (-5,0), (5,0), (7,0)
I'm not sure if you would count these, but x and y also have the intercept of (0,0).
It would take Jared 2 hours to finish mowing 3 acres at that rate.
Step-by-step explanation:
If it takes Jared 1 hour to mow 1 and 1/2 acres of lawn and he has to mow three, then 1 1/2 acres x2= 3 acres and 1 x2= 2 so it would take Jared 2 Hours to mow 3 acres of Lawn
Hope this helps!