Here give it to her now but she copy and pasted and I got in trouble...
The answer is invasive species.
Invasive species are species that are not native to specific ecosystem,
but they have a capability to spread widely through the ecosystem, This way
they can threaten native species of the ecosystem or cause
environmental harm.
<span>After being introduced into the Black Sea, they greatly affect local
ecosystem. In the new area, they have no natural predators and are able to
spread. If they spread beyond the area they are introduced, they
become invasive species which can overgrow native biotopes and are
a great threat to the local biodiversity. This could lead to the extinction
of some native species.</span>
How are we supposed to make a project for you....
medial cuneiform
It lies on the inner side of the foot. It lies in the front of navicular bone and behind the metatarsal.
It is located in the sun's green zone where habitability was and still is possible, this allowed the earth to develop various types of life. With varying climates this supported adaptations which later morphed the flora and fauna of our home planet.