In your own words or in mine???
327.2 million
There are apparently, 327.2 million people currently living in America (Recorded in 2018)
The correct answer is decreasing
Explanation: Marriages and all other marital relationships, whether homo or hetero-affective, cannot remain untouched and indissoluble due to the restriction of the law. This would be the same as stifling their breath, removing the air they breathe, preventing their renewal and rejuvenation, sucking their vitality.
The heavy workload that comes with the heavy franchise is prepared to handle
This is a term where one party gives its franchisee to the other party. The franchiser provides their name, brand, and values to the other party. They provide some business system and process so that can provide good services. The franchisee pays its product one time and earns a lifetime. They provide their tools, their receipt to the franchiser and earn royalty a whole time.
Over hunting would severely hurt and endanger the buffalo population. The slaughter of the buffalo might also cause the population of the Native Americans down.
It would hurt the buffalo, because the less of them, the harder it is to repopulate, but then the native Americans really depend on the buffaloes, they use them for everything, clothes, food, utensils, tools, and even containers!
You're very welcome and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!