1. x^15
2. m^40
3. v^7/2
4. k^4
5. 1/x^14
6. 1/r^3/2
7. b^25
8. h^2
9. m^3n^1/7
10. x^12
11. 1/g^37
12. 1/100m^6
13. j^6/216
14. 1/125f^3
15. 3z^1/2
16. 1/100m^6
17. j^6/216
19. 1
20. g^1/2 r^3
21. 16a^11
22. m^16n^21
23. 1
24. 1/y^10x^6
25. 343s^10/t^17/2
26.n^17/2 /m^10/2
27. 729/b^24c^9
28. 20y^2/x^33
Step-by-step explanation:
add x to both sides
C.H. Weaver M.D. updated 10/2020 What is the Carcinogenicity antigen (CEA)? CEA is an antigen (small protein) that is found on the surface of many types of cancer cells and high levels of CEA can be detected in the blood of some patients with cancer and the developing fetus.
Step-by-step explanation:
From the given question we come to know of certain number of facts and they are:
At 1:00 PM the water level of the pond was = 13 inches
At 1:30 PM the water level of the pond was = 18 inches
At 2:30 PM the water level of the pond was = 28 inches
From the above given facts we can easily find the amount of water changing every half an hour.
Amount of increase in water from 1:00PM to 1:30 PM = (18 - 13) inches
= 5 inches
Amount of increase in water level from 1:30PM to 2:30PM = (28 -18) inches
= 10 inches
From the above two deductions we can come to the conclusion the the constant rate of change in water level is 5 inches for every half an hour.
If the lines with those given slopes go trough 2 points then
A) is correct if the points are (6, 0) and (0, 3)
B) is correct if the points are (0, 0) and (-6, 3)
C) is correct if the points are (-6, 0) and (0, 3)