<em>Comparative politics is investigating internal processes within countries or political entities by comparing their characteristics according to a specific model.</em> Though it can potentially address a wide range of aspects, comparative politics is most widely applied to such <em>issues </em>as <u>politics of democratic and authoritarian states</u>, <u>political identit</u>y, <u>regime change</u> and <u>democratization</u>, <u>voting behavior</u> and a number of others.
<em>Comparativists often ask</em> how certain processes, for example, democratization, differ in specific states that still can be placed under the same analysis because they share certain characteristics.
Following the <u>democratization example</u>, let us take post-soviet countries. Comparativists may take most similar countries that share many similarities, such as Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), or most different countries, such as Estonia and Belarus. Here comparativists may ask, why Estonia developed a strong democratic regime, while Belarus fell into a consolidated authoritarian regime.
<span>The effect of presidential coattail describes when a popular president running for reelection brings additional party candidates into office. This effect is brought about by the popularity of the presidential candidate who brings in supporters that will also vote for his/ her party's candidates. This is in relation to the idiom, ride on coattails, which means riding on another person's success. </span>
What you want to get across to the audience. be positive and confident.
"Augustine observed that evil always injures, and such injury is a deprivation of good. If there were no deprivation, there would be no injury. Since all things were made with goodness, evil must be the privation of goodness: “All which is corrupted is deprived of good.” 3 The diminution of the property of goodness is what’s called evil."
Hope This Helps!!!