3. IV:height of drop DV:height of bounce CV: type of ball, place where ball is dropped, climate/wind
4. IV: battery type DV: time that it lasts CV: age of batteries, age of material (flashlights), type of materials (flashlights), size of batteries
5. IV:depth of water DV: temperature CV: amount of water in lake, temperature, climate/season
There’s less scarcity of food for the population is an advantage of a single population of animals having a large amount of variability surrounding certain traits
The population of animal is eating three different types of plants. One of them is good in digesting plant A, one of them is good in digesting plant B and other group is good in digesting plant C.
Thus, the population although has a huge number, but each of the individual is divided into one of the 3 groups which is different in feeding habits. Thus there’s no scarcity of food in the population. Thus the population can live well and reproduce without any nutritional strain.
Can someone help me please Explanation:
Is this test the I going to have trace the path a red blood cell would follow starting in the right ventricle and back to the right ventricle included will be every structure ( heart chamber, valve, vessels ) that the red blood cell would pass trough???
Cardiac muscle cells appear striated. However, they are involuntary, unlike skeletal muscle cells, because they contract outside of human control. For example, you do not have to think about contracting your heart muscles as the already contract for you. On the other hand, skeletal muscle cells are controlled by humans as they decide which body movement to perform, such as walking or pointing.