1. Aerobic - exercise that requires the use of oxygen to produce energy
From the syllable 'aer', it signifies that it involves air. Since air contains oxygen which is needed by humans in breathing. Examples are cardiovascular activities like jogging.
2. Anaerobic - exercise that does not require the use of oxygen to metabolize energy
This is the opposite of aerobic. It does not involve oxygen to metabolize energy. Characteristic of this are activities that make you out of breath quickly like lifting weights.
3. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - an energy molecule produced when oxygen reacts with glucose
In biology, this substance is very important in energy metabolism
4. Lactic acid - a product of anaerobic exercise
Technically, anaerobic exercises form lactate. In the protonated form, this is lactic acid.
Muscle is also very important to everyone because we need our muscles to survive. The heart is the strongest muscle in our body and is always looking to get stronger. Muscles enable us to be active and exercise. Our strength comes for our muscles and how much they are used.