I would say that the Mayan and Aztec civilizations influence would be especially in the architecture of their buildings and pyramids. The Mayans had well laid out stone complexes complete with temples, ball courts and had carved stelae or mythical figures in the complexes. The Aztecs had pyramids also, like the Temples of the Sun and Moon at Tenochtitlan near Mexico laid out according to their astronomical observations.
Answer: C
Had veto power over colonial assemblies
Colonial Governors is an official appointed by the British monarchy to oversee one of its colonies and be the head of the colonial administration. The governor was invested with general executive powers and authorized to call a locally elected assembly.
Governors could also veto any bill proposed by the colonial legislature.
Japan modernized its government and economy
after commodore Perry visited Japan he threatened them into trading with America and forced them to have to modernize their government