We round a number to three significant figures in the same way that we would round to three decimal places. We count from the first non-zero digit for three digits. We then round the last digit. We fill in any remaining places to the right of the decimal point with zeros.

common difference is
3.6 - 5.8 = -2.2
let T1 = 5.8
T2 = 3.6
assuming we are to find T2
T2 = T(2-1) -2.2
= T1 -22
= 5.8 -2.2
= 3.6
The original price is $88.
how I got the answer:
$22 • 100= 2,200
2,000/25= $88
regular shoes cost w/75% off is $66.00
how I got my answer:
$88 • 75% = 6,600
6,600/100 = $66.00
1)hypotenuse = straight home
sqrt(36+64) = 10
straight is 10 miles
same way is 6+8 = 14 miles
(2) hypotenuse of 3,4 5 right triangle is 5
5*6 = 30
plus enough for the knots :)
(3)diagonal (hypotenuse) length is the longest
sqrt (42^2 + 84^2) = 93.9, so no
Step-by-step explanation:
Do you do flvs, and are you in 7th grade? If yes for both what math teacher do you have? The answer is B, I think.