Once you try a drug amd you like it you get hooked so alot of people are hooked on drugs
between 1,600 and 2,400 calories a day
Birth control contains either estrogen and progestin or progestin only. Hormone methods include the implant, IUD, pills, the ring and the skin patch. I’m pretty sure they all have an effect but I believe mostly the birth control patch! Hope this helps!
Ligaments are similar to tendons as they are all made of connective tissue. The differences in them are in the connections that they make: ligaments connect one bone to another bone, tendons connect muscle to bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other muscles.
Brainliest pls?
Atopic dermatitis or commonly known as eczema is a condition
that makes your skin red and itchy. This chronic skin disease tends to flare
periodically and often accompanied by asthma or hay fever. Symptoms include thickened,
cracked, scaly skin or raised bumps that may leak fluid and crust over when
scratched. The physician usually prescribed corticosteroid cream or ointment and sometimes antihistamine
drugs to control the itching and help repair the skin.
Alopecia areata is a common condition
that affects the integumentary system that results in baldness or hair loss.
This autoimmune disorder often use powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can
suppress the immune system. Most commonly, corticosteroids is used to treat
alopecia areata. The route of administration are local injections, taken orally
or by topical ointment application.