To be safe from bullying, you first need to have a good background, that means you can’t be known as the kid who nobody likes, and you also need to defend yourself or ignore them, as that is what makes them stop. You can also get people you trust to defend you, friends, family, etc. if your getting bullied the best possible way to stop it, is ether put your foot down, or tell a adult. Some adults will not help you, however, usually not giving them a reaction will get them to stop, but if the EVER put their hands on you, by all means, put them where they belong. If you get what I’m saying.
You can be any age! But I wouldn't recommend it if you want to get a job
<em>Refuse service to the patron and explain why serving alcohol in this manner is irresponsible.</em>
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<em>Penalties for irresponsible service of alcohol</em>
<em>As a liquor licensee, you, your staff and your patrons can be penalised under the Liquor Act 1992 for breaches of responsible service of alcohol.</em>
<em>Legislation requires that penalties are calculated by the amount of penalty units relating to each particular offence. The value of each penalty unit is $137.85 (current from 1 July 2021).</em>
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<u><em>In addition to monetary penalties, recurrent breaches can also result in:</em></u>
<u><em /></u>
<em>mandatory suspension of licence – if a licensee is convicted of 2 offences in relation to minors or intoxicated persons within a 2-year period the licence will be automatically suspended</em>
<em>impact on annual fees – a licensee's compliance history, including some infringement notices and some prosecutions will be considered in risk assessments for annual fees.</em>
<em />
I hope this helps!
Stuff like this is what gets you banned.