A. Medicine
Inelastic good is a product whose demand does not fluctuate with price changes. It means the demand for the good remains constant even if prices increase or decrease. The term inelastic symbolizes the demand for the good is static.
Medicine has an inelastic demand. Patients need medication regardless of prevailing prices. An increase or decrease in prices of medicines does not influence the demand. The term inelastic contrast elastic demand, which is the demand that varies with changes in prices.
Answer: The options are given below:
A. a diversity-oriented employer
B. a wide span of control
C. the glass ceiling effect
D. the black swan effect
E. an affirmative action
The correct option is C. The Glass Ceiling Effect
Explanation: The glass ceiling is a term used in organizations, it is a metaphor that is used to refer to an invisible and artificial barrier that prevents women and minority groups from being promoted to top managerial and executive level positions within an organization.
The scenario presented above is a perfect example of the glass ceiling effect, this is because, though Brenda is qualified for the promotion, she is denied it regardless, because "that's just the way things are". As you can see, the reason for the denial of her promotion is not a professional issue, just a tradition to always suppress the advancement of certain categories of people.
human side to computer side
Automation of a process activity consists of moving work from the human side to computer side of the symmetrical five-component framework.
In that situation, the demand of the Milk tea will fall.
In businesses subtitles are the type of products that serve a similar purpose but generally less favorable. You use substitutes as a second product when you somehow cannot use the first/main product.
In the example above,
Let's say that Coffee is people's favorite beverages. They like it better than milk tea. But, if they don't have enough money to buy their favorite coffee, they sometimes have to exchange it and settle with milk tea.
When weather increases the harvest of the coffee bean crop, the price of coffee will most likely fall down due to the abundance in resource.
When this happen, there will be lesser people who use the substitute product. in the end, the demand for the milk tea will fall.
Hey there!
For salespeople, its all about relationships and conversations and relationships with people. If you're good friends with someone from your consuming company, you can expect to make good sales as they are acquaintances and would want to buy things from people who they can trust.
Therefore, if you can develop friendships and trust with people from the company who would buy from you, they might just accidentally or purposely let you in on secrets from their company that would maximize sales- and that's always the goal of a salesperson.
Hope this helps!