I think the answer is C) Study hard for exams so I don't disappoint myself or others. If that's wrong then it's most likely A) Let myself feel sad and then find ways to move on.
Apples, Potatoes and onions all taste the same if you plug your nose ;0
I'll click on your name and see if I can help!
There is no official fixed value for fiber consumption, but 25 grams per day are usually indicated. this food must have at least 50% grams of dietary fiber.
<h3>How much fiber should an adult consume?</h3>
The recommendation of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) is similar to that of the WHO: that the dietary fiber intake for adults should be 20 to 35 g/day. 5 g should be added plus age for children over 2 to 20 years of age, to obtain the total daily fiber consumption.
With this information, we can conclude that there is no official fixed value for fiber consumption, but 25 grams per day are usually indicated. this food must have at least 50% grams of dietary fiber.
Learn more about fiber consumption in brainly.com/question/2106445
I would say dancing,because its one of the exercise that you can do.
hope this helps..