I think it would be an independent variable, but I learned this last year so I don't remember exactly.
Answer: The people
Explanation:The people of the country hold the ultimate responsibility for making and carrying out Government policy,the people are the once who vote for the elected leaders,they chose them to function. Most Government policies are directed at the people because they direct the pace of events in a country through elections, all elected officials represent the people and the ultimate power lies on them.
The correct answer is "learning".
The Social Learning Theory is an idea of acquiring information and social conduct, which proposes that new conduct may be acquired through watching and imitating others. It states that getting to know is a cognitive process that takes vicinity in a social context and may arise in basic terms by observation or direct guidance, even inside the absence of motor replica or direct reinforcement.
Answer: True
Profiling involves gathering information about an individual based on psychological and behavioural features in order to have a check or predict what the person could likely do or become under certain conditions atmosphere or company. It is used to check the criminal record of an individual or the likelihood of exhibiting certain criminal behaviour.
Profiling is legal and can be carried out by law enforcement officers, such checks includes identity checks, stop and search, border control, etc. It becomes illegal if it is done to discriminate against race, religion, sex, national origin and ethnic group. On such grounds it becomes illegal in the US, Europe and even under the international law.