I'm not sure what you mean by "compartments", but the cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and approximately 5 liters of blood.
The data you will collect is the blood phenotype.By adding serums that each contains a particular antibody such as anti-A, anti-B, or anti-D ... to see if there's an agglutination with erythrocytes' antigen and the antibodies, proving the presence of the appropriate antigen in the blood.
This will help to confirm the blood grouping if this technique is done in parallel with the plasma test ( of Simonin-Michon).
If water did not expand when freezing, then it would be denser than liquid water when it froze; therefore it would sink and fill lakes or the ocean from bottom to top. Once the oceans filled with ice, life there would not be possible.
SNPs have shown that only 0.1 % of DNA sequences are different in the human genome between different individuals, thereby all the inherited phenotypic variation observed in our species is associated with only 0.1 % of differences at the genome level
Haplotypes are block-like sequences of DNA that are inherited together due to low recombination rates. Moreover, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping is a very useful methodology used to map the site of SNP mutations (i.e., SNP variants). In this regard, it has been observed that there are approximately 10 million common SNPs in the human genome. These SNPs contribute to the wide range of phenotypic variation observed in human populations for different traits (e.g., eye color, hair, weight, height, etc). Moreover, researchers have determined that SNPs can be clustered into haplotypes, thereby haplotypes can be accurately sampled by as few as approx. 300,000 selected SNPs, which are sufficient to represent all of the genetic variation across different human genomes.