Answer: The dependent variable.
Explanation: Experimental studies are designed to find relationships between one variable and another.
d) A negative feedback loop
A negative feedback loop counteracts the deviation from homeostasis by generating a required response. The function of the insulin hormone is to lower down the blood glucose level when it raises above the normal range. Insulin triggers the uptake of glucose from the blood by cells. It specifically triggers muscle and liver cells to take up glucose from the blood.
Once the blood glucose level is restored to the normal value, the secretion of insulin stops. Here, a change in normal body condition (raised blood glucose level) was counteracted by the secretion of insulin hormone to restore the homeostasis of blood sugar levels.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) has negative effects on health because people with this condition have a higher risk for heart disease and other medical problems than people with normal blood pressure.
If left untreated , hypertension can lead to :
1. heart attack
2. Stroke
3. enlarged heart
4. Kidney damage.
Once the kidneys are damaged, homeostasis in the body is severely impaired because the body no longer has the ability to clear waste products, which when they accumulate tend to poison the body leading to such conditions as uremia.
Autoinducer molecules are signalling molecules that need bacteria. In order for the autoinducer molecules to signal, the bacteria must find a way to initiate the signal and a way to respond to the signal it had created. Autoinducer molecules increase in production as the density of the bacteria cell increases.