You just gotta be more aware
Can you be more detailed with the question?
The main difference who is ultimately in charge. Private hospital are normally for profit hospital's run by a number of board members. Religious hospitals are interesting in that they are a religious based organization and receive funding and command from religious figures. Non-profits also have a board of directors, but they are primarily run as more charities or research. Government hospital's are run and funded by the government and are hence more public (unless it is military) and have less financial burden then all the other three.
Angina<span> (also called </span>angina pectoris<span>) is defined as: “a condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often also spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, owing to an inadequate blood supply to the </span>heart<span>.” A </span>heart attack<span> occurs when this same process lasts long enough to cause permanent damage to the </span>heart<span> muscle.</span>