Stroma that's where energy is stored
The expected growth mark marker for a 6 month old infant is that the infant can transfer objects from hand to hand, rolls from prone to supine, sits well unsupported, presents with stranger anxiety, and that the patient can babble.
Pseudopodia are temporary and cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell membrane that are able to change their form in order to move.
Pseudopodia are temporary and cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell membrane that are able to change their form in order to move. They are used in some eukaryotic cells to move around or to eat. Most cells that do this are called amoeboids. The amoeba is a common example. ... Pseudopods can also capture prey by phagocytosis.
The greatest changes to the path and strength of the Gulf Stream might be caused by an increase in the volume of river water that flows into the Gulf of Mexico (Option B)
The North Atlantic current or Gulf Stream carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico forward Europe, providing a relative template clime in most of the European occident.
Ocean streams are sensitive to the amount of freshwater available on the surface. An increase in overflow and precipitation over the ocean could slow or revert the north Atlantic current, blocking warm water flow to Europe.
The deposition of freshwater could cause a temporal deceleration or total collapse of the North Atlantic Current, and this interruption might lead to very cold periods in the North Atlantic.