The stronger survived and the weaker passed on... Those with a weaker immune system had trouble with sickness and usually ended up passing on but those with strong immune systems were stronger and healthier and lived.
The star sm0313, was discovered using the ANU skymapper telescope at the siding spring observatory and later confirmed by the megellan telescope in Chile. Somewhat surprisingly, it's located a "mere" 6,000 thousand light-years away, they origins date back to the beginning of time.
Ok so this is biology well vegitation is certain plants well the plant in its inside have certain medicines that cant be used on humans or animal
those are what that medicine can go to well on sediment that medicine causes the sedeiment to slow goes sediment can break and kinda disolve like type well that medicineslows it down and keeps sedement longer teachers rteach what they think if u feel i did something wrong please let me know and i can do more research
Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen. Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy. ... Oxygen is produced during cellular respiration and stored during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water released by cellular respiration are used in photosynthesis.
site where the cell synthesizes new protein molecules