Cytokinesis, it's the division of a cell at the end of mitosis and the cell divides into two daughter cells.
Reduce or stop the production of energy molecule i.e ATP
Proton is an essential ingredient to carry out light reactions successfully and the proton requirement is fulfilled through the proton gradient formed along the membrane. A chemical that blocks the flow of electrons thereby hindering the flow of proton will adversely affect the electron transport chain reactions thereby causing reduced/no conversion of ADP to ATP.
No. At that point, you need to determine if the problem lies in the control or the staining reagents or techniques.
Embryonic development involves process of formation and development of an embryo. In humans, during the early stages, 10 weeks of embryonic development, all the major body organs are formed.
The friend is wrong. This chemical equation supports the Law of Conservation of Matter. The reactants are the same amount as the products.
In both sides of the equation, there is 1 Ca, 1 C, and 3 O. This means that this equation follows the Law of Conservation of Matter.
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