- Client has been exercising more than usual
- Client has not consumed food and continues to take insulin or oral antidiabetic medications
- Client has not consumed sufficient calories
Diabetes is a medical condition in which being disciplined enough regarding time meals and exercise is a must. If a client involves themselves in a heavy load of exercise obviously their level of glucose is going to drop given that the food intake is not the ideal in order to back up the exercise load.
If the client applies insulin without a proper food intake then the effect is going to be glucose dropping since insulin is not being allowed to play the role it is supposed to play,
five major moral principles in healthcare
non malfeasance
distributive justice
The three main phases of a seizure are:
Aura stage, stage when an unusual feeling or sensation in body started to happen before the initial seizure
Ictus stage, The main phase when the actual seizure happen
<span>Postictal stage, the end phase when the seizure started to end</span>