The book was written as a criticism of slavery. With the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, people in the north were required to return slaves to the south by law or they would be arrested. Uncle Tom's Cabin made people in the north feel badly for the terrible conditions of the slaves and not want to comply with the Fugitive Slave Act.
24 days
48÷2=24, 24 is half of 48, 24 days is half of the amount of time as 48 days, so if it takes 48 days for the whole lake to be covered, it would take 24 days to cover half of it.
sort of
The sinking feeling in your stomach when on a rollercoaster or driving over a hill is caused by a change in force experienced by your organs. When in freefall, every part of you is accelerating at the same rate, which gives you a similar feeling to weightlessness.
The answer in the space provided is personality. It is
because these are characteristics that an individual possess that completes his
or her individuality and that this involves of what he or she feels, behaves
and even how he or she views the things around him or her.