<span>a strong downward current of air from a cumulonimbus cloud, usually associated with intense rain or a thunderstorm.</span>
Dorsal horn
The sensory neurons cell bodies are present in dorsal horns. The front side of spinal cord consist of two arms of it. The ventral horn is the centrally located grey matter with motor neurons cell bodies.
The dorsal horns are located at each spinal cord levels that are four in number. The sensory nuclei is present in dorsal horns that perceive somatosensory information. The information is then transferred to midbrain and diencephalon. Thus, Interneurons receiving input from sensory neurons are located in the dorsal horn.
1. Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the motor end plate
2. Ligand-gated channels open leading to depolarization
3. End plate potential triggers an action potential
4. Transverse tubules convey action potentials into the interior of the muscle fiber
5. Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
6. Calcium ions bind to troponin, which then moves tropomyosin
Acetylcholine (ACh) is a signaling molecule (neurotransmitter) that binds to receptors on muscle cells. This binding triggers the opening of ligand-gated sodium channels, thereby ions enter into muscle cells, which causes the depolarization of the sarcolemma and thus promotes the release of Ca2+ ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The myoneural junction, also known as the motor endplate, is the site of synaptic contact between a motor axon and a skeletal muscle fiber. The endplate potential is the voltage that produces the depolarization of muscle fibers when ACh molecules bind to their receptors in the cell membrane. This depolarization spreads in the sarcolemma through transverse tubules (T tubules) and thus generates an action potential. Finally, this action potential induces the release of Ca2+ in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which activates troponin protein and induces muscle contraction.
The correct answer is: enhanced zones of inhibition in the area between two adjacent disks.
- According to the question, the two antibiotics show the property of Synergism.
- Synergism can be defined as the property of two drugs, where the efficiency of activity (killing the bacteria) obtained on using the two drugs together is far more than the efficiency obtained by using individual drugs separately.
- In the disk diffusion method, the efficiency in activity (killing of bacteria) of two drugs is determined by plating a nutrient agar media with the particular target bacteria and adding the two antibiotics in two discs separated from each other by a certain distance.
- Both the antibiotics diffuse into the agar media from the discs and kill the target bacteria.
- Zone of inhibition can be defined as the circular clear zone on the nutrient agar plate obtained after allowing the bacteria to grow for the required period of time. This is the region where no bacteria grow as they are killed by the antibiotics used.
- Depending upon the efficiency of the antibiotic used and also its ability to diffuse into the nutrient agar medium, bacteria tends to grow near the periphery of the nutrient agar plate where the antibiotic fails to reach.
- In the question, as the two antibiotics used show synergistic effect, the region on the nutrient agar plate in between the two discs, where both the antibiotics are able to percolate will show a larger zone of inhibition.