Typhoid fever is most common in non-industrialized countries. Travelers to Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America are especially at risk. Salmonella typhi bacteria are shed in the urine or stool of infected persons, including chronic carriers. There are no known animal reservoirs for typhoid fever.
"Testes and Ovaries"
Two hormones are primarily responsible for pubic hair during puberty. Androgen and Estrogen, of which are spectively provided by the "Testes and Ovaries". Pubic hair is the bodies attempt of protecting those organs against friction with contact of skin.
Orchids are now grown through vegetative propagation, rather than seeds, courtesy of developments in cloning. This allows many orchid plants to be grown from a portion of a single orchid plant. This allows even the rare orchid o to be grown in mass. There is also little variation when cloning s done as compared to growing with seeds.
it can clean the water
keeping the water clean improves the quality and is healthier for you