Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole and so deals with how variables such as government spending and interest rates will affect the entire economy not just single entities.
Microeconomics on the other hand, deals with individual entities in the economy and how various variables and decision making will affect them.
A nation prints more money, causing inflation. MACROECONOMICS.
This affects the entire nation not just single entities so it is macroeconomics.
A local store has a buy one, get one free sale. MICROECONOMICS.
This relates to the actions of a single entity in the economy so falls under microeconomics.
Oil production decreases, and gas prices rise nationwide. MACROECONOMICS.
As this concerns the entire nation, it is therefore under the realm of Macroeconomics.
Equality, representation, and slavery.
<span>"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" </span>is a novel written by Mark Twain
In chapter 22 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.: "Then at the bottom was the biggest line of all, which said:
"There," says he, "if that line don't fetch them, I don't know Arkansaw!"
Twain is most likely using humor to convey his viewpoint that people are often tempted by the thrill of something naughty.
The enactment of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were both British Laws that were implemented to raise revenue for the British. The Sugar Act was designed to regulate trade, especially in the New England region and the Stamp Act was the first direct tax on home produced and consumed items.
The enactment of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were both British Laws that were implemented to raise revenue for the British. The Sugar Act was designed to regulate trade, especially in the New England region and the Stamp Act was the first direct tax on home produced and consumed items.