When did you first notice your child acting different.? How long has this beem going on? What is the las thing thwy ate or drank. Do they have any illnesses that you know of and if so are they on medication now for it. how much do you dose your child for their.condition.
abduction - ab-DUCK-shon
antagonistic pairs - an-TAG-an-iss-tic pay-rs
circumduction - sir-come-DUCK-shon
dorsiflexion - dawr-SI-FLECK-shon
eversion - ih-VER-jon
insertion - in-SER-shon
fascia - FASH-ee-uh
fasc-itis - FASH-ee-ahy-tis
fibromyalgia - fahy-broh-mahy-AL-juh
inversion - in-VER-shon
myocardium - my-oh-CAR-dahy-um
pronation - pro-NAY-shun
supination - soup-ih-NAY-shun
tendinitis - ten-din-AY-tuss
visceral muscle - VISS-er-uhl MUSS-uh